GNSS KnowledgeBase / Formats & Protocols / NMEA


The section describes NMEA 0183 Standard (Interfacing Marine Electronic Devices) by International Marine Electronics Association. Below is the list of all the messages supported by NMEA 0183 version 4.2 standard.

ID Message Description
AAMWaypoint Arrival Alarm
ABKAIS Addressed and Binary Broadcast Acknowledgement
ABMAIS Addressed Binary and Safety Related Message
ACAAIS Regional Channel Assignment Message
ACFGeneral AtoN Station Configuration Command
ACGExtended General AtoN Station Configuration Command
ACKAcknowledge Alarm
ACMAIS Base Station Addressed Channel Management Command
ACSAIS Channel Management Information Source
ADSAutomatic Device Status
AFBAtoN Forced Broadcast Command
AGAAIS Base Station Broadcast of a Group Assignment Command
AIDAtoN Identification Configuration Command
AIRAIS Interrogation Request
AKDAcknowledge Detail Alarm Condition
ALASet Detail Alarm Condition
ALMGPS Almanac Data
ALRSet Alarm State
ALRSet Alarm State
ARCAlert Command Refused
ASNAIS Base Station Broadcast of Assignment Command
BBMAIS Broadcast BinaryMessage
BCGBase Station Configuration, General Command
BCLBase Station Configuration, Location Command
BECBearing & Distance to Waypoint - Dead Reckoning
BODBearing - Origin to Destination
BWCBearing & Distance to Waypoint – Great Circle
BWRBearing & Distance to Waypoint – Rhumb Line
BWWBearing – Waypoint to Waypoint
CEKConfigure Encryption Key Command
COPConfigure the Operational Period, Command
CBRConfigure Broadcast Rates for AIS AtoN Station Message Command
CPCConfigure Parameter-code for UNIX Time Parameter
CPDConfigure Parameter-code for Destination-identification Parameter
CPGConfigure Parameter-code for the Sentence-Grouping Parameter
CPNConfigure Parameter-code for the Line-count Parameter
CPRConfigure Parameter-code for Relative (epoch / event) Time Parameter
CPSConfigure Parameter-code for the Source-identification Parameter(s)
CPTConfigure Parameter-code for a Text-string Parameter
CURWater Current Layer
DBTDepth Below Transducer
DCNDECCA position
DCRDevice Capability Report
DDCDisplay Dimming Control
DLMData Link Management Slot Allocations for Base Station Command
DORDoor Status Detection
DSCDigital Selective Calling Information
DSEExpanded Digital Selective Calling
DSIDSC Transponder Initialize
DSRDSC Transponder Response
DTMDatum Reference
ECBConfigure Broadcast Schedules for Base Station Messages, Command
ETLEngine Telegraph Operation Status
EVEGeneral Event Message
FIRFire Detection
FSIFrequency Set Status or Command
FSRFrame Summary of AIS Reception
GBSGNSS Satellite Fault Detection
GENGeneric Binary Information
GFAGNSS Fix Accuracy and Integrity
GGAGlobal Positioning System Fix Data
GLCGeographic Position – Loran-C
GLLGeographic Position – Latitude/Longitude
GMPGNSS Map Projection Fix Data
GRSGNSS Range Residuals
GSAGNSS DOP and Active Satellites
GSTGNSS Pseudorange Error Statistics
GSVGNSS Satellites In View
HBTHeartbeat Supervision Sentence
HDGHeading, Deviation & Variation
HDTHeading, True
HMRHeading Monitor Receive
HMSHeading Monitor Set
HSCHeading Steering Command
HSSHull Stress Surveillance Systems
HTCHeading/Track Control Command
HTDHeading/Track Control Data
LCDLoran-C Signal Data
LRFAIS Long-Range Function
LRIAIS Long-Range Interrogation
LR1AIS Long-range Reply Sentence 1
LR2AIS Long-range Reply Sentence 2
LR3AIS Long-range Reply Sentence 3
MEBMessage Input for Broadcast, Command
MSKMSK Receiver Interface Command
MSSMSK Receiver Signal
MTWWater Temperature
MWDWind Direction & Speed
MWVWind Speed & Angle
NAKNegative Acknowledgement
NRMNAVTEX Receiver Mask Command
NRXNAVTEX Received Message
OSDOwn Ship Data 109
POSDevice Position and Ship Dimensions Report or Configuration Command
PRCPropulsion Remote Control Status
RMARecommended Minimum Specific Loran-C Data
RMBRecommended Minimum Navigation Information
RMCRecommended Minimum Specific GNSS Data
RORRudder Order Status
ROTRate Of Turn
RSARudder Sensor Angle
RSDRadar System Data
RSTEquipment Reset Command
RTERoutes RTE - Routes
SFIScanning Frequency Information Status and Command
SIDSet an Equipment’s Identification and Command
SPOSelect AIS Device’s Processing and Output, Command
SSDAIS Ship Static Data
STNMultiple Data ID
TBRTAG Block Report Request
TBSTAG Block Listener Source-identification Configuration Command
TFRTransmit Feed-Back Report
THSTrue Heading and Status
TLBTarget Label
TLLTarget Latitude and Longitude
TPCTransmit Slot Prohibit, Command
TRCThruster Control Data
TRDThruster Response Data
TSATransmit Slot Assignment
TSPTemporary Transmit Slot Prohibit
TSRTransmit Slot Prohibit Status Report
TTDTracked Target Data
TTMTracked Target Message
TUTTransmission of Multi-language Text
TXTText Transmission
UIDUser Identification Code Transmission
VBWDual Ground/Water Speed
VDMAIS VHF Data-link Message
VDOAIS VHF Data-Link Own-Vessel Report
VDRSet & Drift
VHWWater Speed and Heading
VLWDual Ground/Water Distance
VPWSpeed – Measured Parallel to Wind
VSDAIS Voyage Static Data
VSIVDL Signal Information
VTGCourse Over Ground & Ground Speed
WATWater Level Detection
WCVWaypoint Closure Velocity
WNCDistance – Waypoint to Waypoint
WPLWaypoint Location
XDRTransducer Measurements
XTECross-Track Error, Measured
XTRCross-Track Error – Dead Reckoning
ZDATime & Date
ZDLTime & Distance to Variable Point
ZFOUTC & Time from Origin Waypoint
ZTGUTC & Time to Destination Waypoint

KernelSAT services support decoding and visualization part of NMEA messages mostly related to GNSS operation.

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