News & updates


- New Pricing! All subscriptions are offered at new lower prices


- "No subscription" services usage rules & conditions are updated


- Article added: § 015. How to convert RINEX3 to RINEX2?


- Improvement: RTools core updated


- Minor fixes over the web-site


- Improvement: entering coordinates in MEOMAP service has been improved


- Subscriptions are introduced. Please consider adding subscription into your account to get full benefits of KernelSAT online services.


- Article added: § 014. Accuracy of TOPAZ PPK on long baselines (TOPAZ vs BERNESE)


- Fixed issue: corrected usage of Antenna Phase Center Variations (PCV) by TOPAZ PPK what may improve positions quality especially on long baselines


- Improvement: Antenna L1 Phase Center Offset to ARP (Antenna Reference Point) is presented in General Statistic

- Improvement: Antenna Delta (Height / East / North) extracted from RINEX header (field [ANTENNA: DELTA H/E/N]) is presented in General Statistic

- Fixed issue: TOPAZ rover positions tagging to antenna L1 Phase Center (L1_PC) clarification is provided.


- Article added: § 013. Accuracy of PENTAP PPP positions (PENTAP vs BERNESE)


- Pricing plans are introduced. Please consider upgrading to ADVANCED pricing plan for unlimited features of KernelSAT services.


- Fixed issue: sometimes PENTAP mistakenly skips part of SP3 files to be used for processing. In turn it reduces PPP positions availability. The issue should be fixed now


- Improvement: PENTAP processing architecture re-designed what in turn allows processing of very huge files

- Fixed issue: sometimes PENTAP failed data processing of good RINEX files. The issue should be fixed now


- Improvement: RTools core updated

- New Feature: full list of output RINEX versions (2.10, 2.11, 2.12, 3.00, 3.01, 3.02, 3.03, 3.04, 3.05, 4.00 and 4.01) is supported for RTools service

- New Feature: rover dynamic and elevation mask settings added for PENTAP PPP post-processing


- Improvement: TOPAZ PPK is augmented by STATIC baseline processing. Instead of computing rover position for every epoch (Kinematic case), one single baseline vector provided in STATIC mode. Static assumption allows to get more accurate solution vs kinematic setting.

- Improvement: TOPAZ PPK is augmented by using precise SP3 orbits. Using precise SV orbits may help to improve positions quality especially on long baselines ( > 30 km). TOPAZ downloads SP3 precise orbits and clocks automatically from most suitable processing center. If SP3 not available - TOPAZ switches to broadcast ephemeris (downloaded automatically as well).


- Improvement: TOPAZ PPK processing architecture re-designed what in turn allows processing of very huge files

- Improvement: allowed file size limits are increased. Files of up to 1999 MB can be processed now

- Fixed issue: issue has been fixed which may block converting UBLOX UBX file to RINEX


- Fixed issue: critical issue has been fixed which may block operation of RTools and WAY services when processing RTCM3 files.


- Improvement: PENTAP PPP post-processing service updated what allowed to improve PPP positions accuracy


- Fixed issue: RTCM3 messages analysis by WAY may not show results sometimes


- Improvement: total processing time of TOPAZ PPK has been reduced considerably

- Improvement: allowed file size limits are increased. Files of up to 999 MB can be processed now

- Improvement: RTools can now merge up to 72 files at once

- Improvement: RTools zipping (archiving RINEX into ZIP) speed increased considerably

- Improvement: RTools core updated. Improved file sorting during merge operation

- Fixed issue: number of bugs fixed which may prevent TOPAZ from processing very huge RINEX files ( > 500 MB)


- Operation of TOPAZ PPK service is restored


- Article added: § 012. How to convert UBLOX UBX to ASCII text


- New Feature: RTools now can convert / merge / modify navigation RINEX files (ephemeris)

- New Feature: RTools service sorts satellites by GNSS and PRN in converted RINEX observation file

- Improvement: Downloading progress is now showed for RTools and BIN2TXT services

- Improvement: RTools now converts UBLOX [RXM-SFRBX] message to navigation RINEX files of any RINEX version (2, 3, or 4)

- Fixed issue: RTools service stopped converting UBLOX UBX files to RINEX if receiver reset was done at the very begging of data logging

- Fixed issue: Processing server 'dropped' connection by timeout (HTTP status 504) if bulky files (hundreds of MBs) are processed. Now the issue should be fixed for all the services.

- Fixed issue: Average coordinates statistic and map is not showed if no messages w/ positions are provided to WAY service

- Fixed issue: BIN2TXT service may hung up while parsing UBLOX NEO-M8 data


- Fixed issue when RTools converts UBLOX UBX if data rate is less often than 1 sec (say, messages are logged once per 30 sec)

- Fixed critical issue in RTools service which might block converting UBLOX UBX files to RINEX sometimes

- Removed annoying Security Code input for WAY and RTools services


- Added new service BIN2TXT. Allows to convert UBLOX UBX binary messages into text

- New feature: RTools now is able to convert UBLOX UBX ephemeris (NAV file)

- New feature: RTools sorts satellites in RINEX NAV file converted from UBLOX UBX ephemeris


- Fixed issues w/ CRX (compact RINEX) files merge in RTools service

- Fixed issues w/ RINEX files merge in RTools service

- Fixed issues w/ UBX file viweing in WAY service

- Fixed issues w/ UBX files converting into RINEX by RTools


- Announcement of TOPAZ API HTTP POST interfaces for integrators


- Fixed issue w/ NMEA,GGA generation from TOPAZ and PENTAP services


- Allow us to present first version of PENTAP GNSS data PPP post-processing service


- New article added § 010. GNSS post-processing of kinematic files by TOPAZ


- New article added § 009. GNSS post-processing of static files by TOPAZ


- Fixed issue w/ incorrect RTools processing of UBLOX files logged at 4 Hz rate

- Article § 008. Convert UBLOX UBX to RINEX is updated


- Allow us to present first version of TOPAZ GNSS data post-processing service


- Fixed issue w/ enabling/disabling GNSS to be converted in RTools service

- Improved RTools error / warnings reports


- Project kick-off

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