Services / BIN2TXT


BIN2TXT acts like a grinder mill which "grinds" hard binary data into easy-to-use text form. Online tool for converting GNSS binary data (UBLOX UBX) into ASCII text. Allows deep data analysis by debugging message by message, field by field.

BIN2TXT Key Features

  • Converts binary GNSS data into ASCII text form
  • Allows to do deep analysis of GNSS messages field by field
  • Supports UBLOX UBX format (focused on F9P receiver)
  • RTK rover trouble-shooting

Supported GNSS Formats

BIN2TXT service can convert the following GNSS formats and protocols:

Format / Protocol Status
RTCM3 Planned...
CMR, CMR+ Planned...
RTCM2 Planned...
BINEX Planned...

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