Class |
Message ID |
Class |
Message ID |
Message Description |
ACK | ACK | 0x05 | 0x01 | Message acknowledged |
ACK | NAK | 0x05 | 0x00 | Message not acknowledged |
AID | ALM | 0x0B | 0x30 | GPS aiding almanac data |
AID | AOP | 0x0B | 0x33 | AssistNow Autonomous data |
AID | EPH | 0x0B | 0x31 | GPS aiding ephemeris data |
AID | HUI | 0x0B | 0x02 | GPS health, UTC, ionosphere |
AID | INI | 0x0B | 0x01 | GPS initial aiding data |
CFG | ANT | 0x06 | 0x13 | Antenna control settings |
CFG | BATCH | 0x06 | 0x93 | Data batching configuration |
CFG | CFG | 0x06 | 0x09 | Clear, saveand load configurations |
CFG | DAT | 0x06 | 0x06 | User - defined datum |
CFG | DGNSS | 0x06 | 0x70 | DGNSS configuration |
CFG | DOSC | 0x06 | 0x61 | Disciplined oscillator configuration |
CFG | ESFALG | 0x06 | 0x56 | IMU-mount misalignment |
CFG | ESFA | 0x06 | 0x4C | Accelerometer (A) sensor |
CFG | ESFG | 0x06 | 0x4D | Gyroscope (G) sensor |
CFG | ESFWT | 0x06 | 0x82 | wheel-tick configuration |
CFG | ESRC | 0x06 | 0x60 | External synchronization source |
CFG | GEOFENCE | 0x06 | 0x69 | Geofencing configuration |
CFG | GNSS | 0x06 | 0x3e | GNSS system configuration |
CFG | HNR | 0x06 | 0x5C | High navigation rate settings |
CFG | INF | 0x06 | 0x02 | Configuration for one protocol |
CFG | ITFM | 0x06 | 0x39 | Jamming / interference monitor configuration |
CFG | LOGFILTER | 0x06 | 0x47 | Data logger configuration |
CFG | MSG | 0x06 | 0x01 | Message configuration |
CFG | NAV5 | 0x06 | 0x24 | Navigation engine settings |
CFG | NAVX5 | 0x06 | 0x23 | Navigation engine expert settings |
CFG | NMEA | 0x06 | 0x17 | Extended NMEA protocol configuration V1 |
CFG | ODO | 0x06 | 0x1e | Odometer, low - speed COG engine settings |
CFG | PM2 | 0x06 | 0x3B | Extended power management |
CFG | PMS | 0x06 | 0x86 | Power mode setup |
CFG | PRT | 0x06 | 0x00 | Polls the configuration for one I / O port |
CFG | PWR | 0x06 | 0x57 | Put receiver in a defined power state (Set) |
CFG | RATE | 0x06 | 0x08 | Navigation / measurement rate settings (Get / set) |
CFG | RINV | 0x06 | 0x34 | Contents of remote inventory (Get / set) |
CFG | RST | 0x06 | 0x04 | Reset receiver / Clear backup data structures (Command) |
CFG | RXM | 0x06 | 0x11 | RXM configuration |
CFG | SBAS | 0x06 | 0x16 | SBAS configuration (Get / set) |
CFG | SENIF | 0x06 | 0x88 | I2C sensor interface configuration |
CFG | SLAS | 0x06 | 0x8D | SLAS configuration |
CFG | SMGR | 0x06 | 0x62 | Synchronization manager configuration |
CFG | SPT | 0x06 | 0x64 | Configure and start a sensor |
CFG | TMODE2 | 0x06 | 0x3D | Time mode settings 2 |
CFG | TMODE3 | 0x06 | 0x71 | Time mode settings 3 (Get / set) |
CFG | TP5 | 0x06 | 0x31 | Time pulse parameters(Get / set) |
CFG | TXSLOT | 0x06 | 0x53 | Set TX buffer time slots configuration |
CFG | USB | 0x06 | 0x1b | USB configuration (Get / set) |
CFG | VALDEL | 0x06 | 0x8c | Delete configuration item values (Set) |
CFG | VALGET | 0x06 | 0x8b | Сonfiguration items (Poll request) |
CFG | VALSET | 0x06 | 0x8a | Сonfiguration item values (Set) |
ESF | ALG | 0x10 | 0x14 | IMU alignment information |
ESF | INS | 0x10 | 0x15 | Vehicle dynamics information |
ESF | MEAS | 0x10 | 0x02 | External sensor fusion measurements |
ESF | RAW | 0x10 | 0x03 | Raw sensor measurements |
ESF | STATUS | 0x10 | 0x10 | External sensor fusion status |
HNR | ATT | 0x28 | 0x01 | Attitude solution |
HNR | INS | 0x28 | 0x02 | Vehicle dynamics information |
HNR | PVT | 0x28 | 0x00 | High rate output of PVT solution |
INF | DEBUG | 0x04 | 0x04 | ASCII output with debug contents (Output) |
INF | ERROR | 0x04 | 0x00 | ASCII output with error contents (Output) |
INF | NOTICE | 0x04 | 0x02 | ASCII output with informational contents (Output) |
INF | TEST | 0x04 | 0x03 | ASCII output with test contents (Output) |
INF | WARNING | 0x04 | 0x01 | ASCII output with warning contents (Output) |
LOG | BATCH | 0x21 | 0x11 | Polled Batched data |
LOG | CREATE | 0x21 | 0x07 | Create log file (Command) |
LOG | ERASE | 0x21 | 0x03 | Erase logged data (Command) |
LOG | FINDTIME | 0x21 | 0x0e | Find index of a log entry based on a given time (Input) |
LOG | INFO | 0x21 | 0x08 | Log information (Poll request) |
LOG | RETRIEVE | 0x21 | 0x09 | Request log data (Command) |
LOG | RETRIEVEPOS | 0x21 | 0x0b | Position fix log entry (Output) |
LOG | RETRIEVEPOSEXTRA | 0x21 | 0x0f | Odometer log entry (Output) |
LOG | RETRIEVESTRING | 0x21 | 0x0d | Byte string log entry (Output) |
LOG | STRING | 0x21 | 0x04 | Store arbitrary string in on - board flash (Command) |
MGA | ACK-DATA0 | 0x13 | 0x60 | Multiple GNSS acknowledge message |
MGA | ANO | 0x13 | 0x20 | Multiple GNSS AssistNow Offline |
MGA | BDS-EPH | 0x13 | 0x03 | BeiDou ephemeris assistance |
MGA | BDS-ALM | 0x13 | 0x03 | BeiDou almanac assistance |
MGA | BDS-HEALTH | 0x13 | 0x03 | BeiDou health assistance |
MGA | BDS-UTC | 0x13 | 0x03 | BeiDou UTC assistance |
MGA | BDS-IONO | 0x13 | 0x03 | BeiDou ionosphere assistance |
MGA | DBD | 0x13 | 0x80 | Poll the navigation database |
MGA | DBD | 0x13 | 0x80 | Navigation database dump entry |
MGA | FLASH-DATA | 0x13 | 0x21 | Transfer MGA-ANO data block to flash |
MGA | FLASH-STOP | 0x13 | 0x21 | Finish flashing MGA-ANO data |
MGA | FLASH-ACK | 0x13 | 0x21 | Acknowledge last FLASH-DATA or -STOP |
MGA | GAL-EPH | 0x13 | 0x02 | Galileo ephemeris assistance |
MGA | GAL-ALM | 0x13 | 0x02 | Galileo almanac assistance |
MGA | GAL-TIMEOFFSET | 0x13 | 0x02 | Galileo GPS time offset assistance |
MGA | GAL-UTC | 0x13 | 0x02 | Galileo UTC assistance |
MGA | GLO-EPH | 0x13 | 0x06 | GLONASS ephemeris assistance |
MGA | GLO-ALM | 0x13 | 0x06 | GLONASS almanac assistance |
MGA | GLO-TIMEOFFSET | 0x13 | 0x06 | GLONASS auxiliary time offset assistance |
MGA | GPS-EPH | 0x13 | 0x00 | GPS ephemeris assistance |
MGA | GPS-ALM | 0x13 | 0x00 | GPS almanac assistance |
MGA | GPS-HEALTH | 0x13 | 0x00 | GPS health assistance |
MGA | GPS-UTC | 0x13 | 0x00 | GPS UTC assistance |
MGA | GPS-IONO | 0x13 | 0x00 | GPS ionosphere assistance |
MGA | INI-POS_XYZ | 0x13 | 0x40 | Initial position assistance |
MGA | INI-POS_LLH | 0x13 | 0x40 | Initial position assistance |
MGA | INI-TIME_UTC | 0x13 | 0x40 | Initial time assistance |
MGA | INI-TIME_GNSS | 0x13 | 0x40 | Initial time assistance |
MGA | INI-CLKD | 0x13 | 0x40 | Initial clock drift assistance |
MGA | INI-FREQ | 0x13 | 0x40 | Initial frequency assistance |
MGA | INI-EOP | 0x13 | 0x40 | Earth orientation parameters assistance |
MGA | QZSS-EPH | 0x13 | 0x05 | QZSS ephemeris assistance |
MGA | QZSS-ALM | 0x13 | 0x05 | QZSS almanac assistance |
MGA | QZSS-HEALTH | 0x13 | 0x05 | QZSS health assistance |
MON | COMMS | 0x0a | 0x36 | Communication port information (Periodic / polled) |
MON | BATCH | 0x0a | 0x32 | Data batching buffer status |
MON | GNSS | 0x0a | 0x28 | Information message major GNSS selection (Polled) |
MON | HW | 0x0a | 0x09 | Hardware status (Periodic / polled) |
MON | HW2 | 0x0a | 0x0b | Extended hardware status (Periodic / polled) |
MON | HW3 | 0x0a | 0x37 | I / O pin status (Periodic / polled) |
MON | IO | 0x0a | 0x02 | I / O system status (Periodic / polled) |
MON | MSGPP | 0x0a | 0x06 | Message parse and process status (Periodic / polled) |
MON | PATCH | 0x0a | 0x27 | Installed patches (Polled) |
MON | RF | 0x0a | 0x38 | RF information (Periodic / polled) |
MON | RXBUF | 0x0a | 0x07 | Receiver buffer status (Periodic / polled) |
MON | RXR | 0x0a | 0x21 | Receiver status information (Output) |
MON | SMGR | 0x0a | 0x2E | Synchronization manager status |
MON | SPT | 0x0a | 0x2F | Sensor production test |
MON | SPAN | 0x0a | 0x31 | Signal characteristics (Periodic / polled) |
MON | SYS | 0x0a | 0x39 | Current system performance information (Periodic / polled) |
MON | TXBUF | 0x0a | 0x08 | Transmitter buffer status (Periodic / polled) |
MON | VER | 0x0a | 0x04 | Receiver and software version (Polled) |
NAV | AOPSTATUS | 0x01 | 0x60 | AssistNow Autonomous status |
NAV | ATT | 0x01 | 0x05 | Attitude solution |
NAV | CLOCK | 0x01 | 0x22 | Clock solution (Periodic / polled) |
NAV | COV | 0x01 | 0x36 | Covariance matrices (Periodic / polled) |
NAV | DGPS | 0x01 | 0x31 | DGPS data used for NAV |
NAV | DOP | 0x01 | 0x04 | Dilution of precision (Periodic / polled) |
NAV | EELL | 0x01 | 0x3d | Periodic/Polled Position error ellipse parameters |
NAV | EOE | 0x01 | 0x61 | End of epoch (Periodic) |
NAV | GEOFENCE | 0x01 | 0x39 | Geofencing status (Periodic / polled) |
NAV | HPPOSECEF | 0x01 | 0x13 | High precision position solution in ECEF (Periodic / polled) |
NAV | HPPOSLLH | 0x01 | 0x14 | High precision geodetic position solution (Periodic / polled) |
NAV | NMI | 0x01 | 0x28 | Periodic/Polled Navigation message cross-check |
NAV | ODO | 0x01 | 0x09 | Odometer solution (Periodic / polled) |
NAV | ORB | 0x01 | 0x34 | GNSS orbit database info (Periodic / polled) |
NAV | PL | 0x01 | 0x62 | Protection level information (Periodic) |
NAV | POSECEF | 0x01 | 0x01 | Position solution in ECEF (Periodic / polled) |
NAV | POSLLH | 0x01 | 0x02 | Geodetic position solution (Periodic / polled) |
NAV | PVT | 0x01 | 0x07 | Navigation position velocity time solution (Periodic / polled) |
NAV | RELPOSNED | 0x01 | 0x3c | Relative positioning information in NED frame (Periodic / polled) |
NAV | RESETODO | 0x01 | 0x10 | Reset odometer (Command) |
NAV | SAT | 0x01 | 0x35 | Satellite information (Periodic / polled) |
NAV | SBAS | 0x01 | 0x32 | SBAS status data (Periodic / polled) |
NAV | SIG | 0x01 | 0x43 | Signal information (Periodic / polled) |
NAV | SLAS | 0x01 | 0x42 | QZSS L1S SLAS status data (Periodic / polled) |
NAV | SOL | 0x01 | 0x06 | Navigation solution information |
NAV | STATUS | 0x01 | 0x03 | Receiver navigation status (Periodic / polled) |
NAV | SVINFO | 0x01 | 0x30 | Space vehicle information |
NAV | SVIN | 0x01 | 0x3b | Survey - in data (Periodic / polled) |
NAV | TIMEBDS | 0x01 | 0x24 | BeiDou time solution (Periodic / polled) |
NAV | TIMEGAL | 0x01 | 0x25 | Galileo time solution (Periodic / polled) |
NAV | TIMEGLO | 0x01 | 0x23 | GLONASS time solution (Periodic / polled) |
NAV | TIMEGPS | 0x01 | 0x20 | GPS time solution (Periodic / polled) |
NAV | TIMELS | 0x01 | 0x26 | Leap second event information (Periodic / polled) |
NAV | TIMEQZSS | 0x01 | 0x27 | QZSS time solution (Periodic / polled) |
NAV | TIMEUTC | 0x01 | 0x21 | UTC time solution (Periodic / polled) |
NAV | VELECEF | 0x01 | 0x11 | Velocity solution in ECEF (Periodic / polled) |
NAV | VELNED | 0x01 | 0x12 | Velocity solution in NED frame (Periodic / polled) |
NAV2 | CLOCK | 0x29 | 0x22 | Clock solution (Periodic / polled) |
NAV2 | COV | 0x29 | 0x36 | Covariance matrices (Periodic / polled) |
NAV2 | DOP | 0x29 | 0x04 | Dilution of precision (Periodic / polled) |
NAV2 | EOE | 0x29 | 0x61 | End of epoch (Periodic) |
NAV2 | ODO | 0x29 | 0x09 | Odometer solution (Periodic / polled) |
NAV2 | POSECEF | 0x29 | 0x01 | Position solution in ECEF (Periodic / polled) |
NAV2 | POSLLH | 0x29 | 0x02 | Geodetic position solution (Periodic / polled) |
NAV2 | PVT | 0x29 | 0x07 | Navigation position velocity time solution (Periodic / polled) |
NAV2 | SAT | 0x29 | 0x35 | Satellite information (Periodic / polled) |
NAV2 | SBAS | 0x29 | 0x32 | SBAS status data (Periodic / polled) |
NAV2 | SIG | 0x29 | 0x43 | Signal information (Periodic / polled) |
NAV2 | SLAS | 0x29 | 0x42 | QZSS L1S SLAS status data (Periodic / polled) |
NAV2 | STATUS | 0x29 | 0x03 | Receiver navigation status (Periodic / polled) |
NAV2 | SVIN | 0x29 | 0x3b | Survey - in data (Periodic / polled) |
NAV2 | TIMEBDS | 0x29 | 0x24 | BeiDou time solution (Periodic / polled) |
NAV2 | TIMEGAL | 0x29 | 0x25 | Galileo time solution (Periodic / polled) |
NAV2 | TIMEGLO | 0x29 | 0x23 | GLONASS time solution (Periodic / polled) |
NAV2 | TIMEGPS | 0x29 | 0x20 | GPS time solution (Periodic / polled) |
NAV2 | TIMELS | 0x29 | 0x26 | Leap second event information (Periodic / polled) |
NAV2 | TIMEQZSS | 0x29 | 0x27 | QZSS time solution (Periodic / polled) |
NAV2 | TIMEUTC | 0x29 | 0x21 | UTC time solution (Periodic / polled) |
NAV2 | VELECEF | 0x29 | 0x11 | Velocity solution in ECEF (Periodic / polled) |
NAV2 | VELNED | 0x29 | 0x12 | Velocity solution in NED frame (Periodic / polled) |
RXM | IMES | 0x02 | 0x61 | Indoor Messaging System information |
RXM | COR | 0x02 | 0x34 | Differential correction input status (Output) |
RXM | MEASX | 0x02 | 0x14 | Satellite measurements for RRLP (Periodic / polled) |
RXM | PMP | 0x02 | 0x72 | PMP(LBAND) message (Input) |
RXM | PMREQ | 0x02 | 0x41 | Power management request (Command) |
RXM | QZSSL6 | 0x02 | 0x73 | QZSS L6 message (Input) |
RXM | RAWX | 0x02 | 0x15 | Multi - GNSS raw measurements (Periodic / polled) |
RXM | RLM | 0x02 | 0x59 | Galileo SAR RLM report (Output) |
RXM | RTCM | 0x02 | 0x32 | RTCM input status (Output) |
RXM | SFRBX | 0x02 | 0x13 | Broadcast navigation data subframe (Output) |
RXM | SPARTN | 0x02 | 0x33 | SPARTN input status (Output) |
RXM | SPARTNKEY | 0x02 | 0x36 | Poll installed keys, Transfer dynamic SPARTN keys |
RXM | SVSI | 0x02 | 0x20 | SV status info |
SEC | UNIQID | 0x27 | 0x03 | Unique chip ID (Output) |
TIM | DOSC | 0x0D | 0x11 | Disciplined oscillator control |
TIM | FCHG | 0x0D | 0x16 | Oscillator frequency changed notification |
TIM | HOC | 0x0D | 0x17 | Host oscillator control |
TIM | SMEAS | 0x0D | 0x13 | Source measurement |
TIM | SVIN | 0x0D | 0x04 | Survey-in data |
TIM | TM2 | 0x0d | 0x03 | Time mark data (Periodic / polled) |
TIM | TOS | 0x0D | 0x12 | Time pulse time and frequency data |
TIM | TP | 0x0d | 0x01 | Time pulse time data (Periodic / polled) |
TIM | VRFY | 0x0d | 0x06 | Sourced time verification (Periodic / polled) |
TIM | VCOCAL | 0x0D | 0x15 | VCO calibration |
UPD | SOS | 0x09 | 0x14 | backup |