Services / RINEX Tools


RINEX Tools (RTOOLS) allow to convert GNSS data (UBLOX UBX and RTCM3 including MSM) to RINEX. RTOOLS may help to merge (combine) several RINEX files onto one. Converting includes final RINEX header modification w/ all the information (time start / stop, available GNSS, signals, data types) collected from all the merged files.

RTOOLS can edit (modify) RINEX files - convert from one version to another one (for instance, from version 2 (RINEX2) to version 3,4 (RINEX3, RINEX4) or vice versa), apply decimation (convert 1 sec file to 15 sec file), remove concrete GNSS, Signal, satellites.

Besides observations, RTOOLS can convert navigation (ephemeris) RINEX files from one version to another one. For instance, convert separate navigation files of RINEX2 (GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, SBAS) into single mixed navigation file of RINEX3 or RINEX4 version.

What RTools can do?

  • Combine (merge) RINEX files
  • Both observations (OBS) and navigation / ephemeris (NAV) are supported
  • Edit RINEX files (upgrade / downgrade version, do decimation etc)
  • Convert RTCM3 to RINEX
  • Convert UBLOX UBX to RINEX (file is accepted by OPUS)
  • Convert Compact RINEX (CRX, Hatanaka) to RINEX
  • Optimize RINEX file structure and size
  • Sort satellites in epoch


RINEX Tools service was tested on latest available Google Chrome web-browser only. We recommend to use this browser. Some 'unzip' utility may be needed as well since resulted RINEX file will be provided in ZIP format.

Supported GNSS Formats

RINEX Tools service can operate w/ the following GNSS formats and protocols:




Compact RINEX

RTCM3 (convert to RINEX only)

UBLOX (convert to RINEX only)

Guidelines of how to use

Examples of how to use RINEX TOOLS:

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