Please choose what you'd like to do w/ RINEX file(s) using KernelSAT RINEX Tools.
Merge (combine) RINEX files
Edit (modify) RINEX file
Convert RTCM3 to RINEX
Merge: allows to merge several RINEX files. Final RINEX file header will be updated by all
the information (time start / stop, available GNSS, signals, data types) collected from merged files.
Merged file may be also modified / converted (see options below for Edit). Merged files should be collected by the very same receiver.
Edit: allows to transform RINEX file from one version to another one (including converting Compact RINEX CRX Hatanaka). For instance, RINEX2 to RINEX4 or vice versa.
Also one may modify RINEX file by removing GNSS, SVs, Signals, Data Types as well as do decimation (for instance, convert 1 sec file to 30 sec).
"Edit" option allows to optimize RINEX file structure: keeping the same RINEX version, reduce size by optimizing satellites and signals slots, sort satellites in epoch, remove redundant spaces and empty slots / signals.
Convert RTCM3: allows to convert RTCM3 file (including MSM) into RINEX file.
Convert UBLOX: convert UBLOX UBX file into RINEX observation file.
The log must contain UBX-RXM-RAWX message (Multi - GNSS raw measurements). Mostly focused on professional UBLOX F9 receivers.
Epoch time stamps will be aligned and measurements will be corrected by receiver clock offset during converting.
STEP_02. Upload file(s)
STEP_03. Settings
Processing / converting settings. You could set up results RINEX file version, eliminate some GNSS systems or decimate the file.
Output RINEX version
Decimation, sec
Convert GNSS
STEP_04. Confirm and Upload
Please check the data / settings to be uploaded.
STEP_05. Processing
File uploading and processing. Once completed, result RINEX file (ZIPped) will be automatically downloaded.
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Please be informed in advance that full-featured usage of KernelSAT online services requires paid subscription.
Free of charge usage is also possible but number of processing sessions and file size is limited.