Let's imagine we have UBLOX file w/ raw measurements (at least it should include UBX-RXM-RAWX message). It is needed to be converted to RINEX4.
Please be ensure in adavance UBX log is fine to be converted to RINEX.
See article § 008. Why UBX not converted to RINEX OBS?
for more details of how to check UBX-RXM-RAWX message w/ observables is inside the log.
Hope all is fine w/ preliminary analysis of UBLOX log. As nest step forward, please, visit RINEX Tools Home Page and start new session.
Choose "Convert UBLOX UBX to RINEX" option at first step of processing Wizard. Than press Next button.
Choose UBX file on your PC to be uploaded to RTool and converted to RINEX online. Than press Next button.
You may choose output RINEX version, apply decimation on next step.
Please check file to be converted and settings to be applied. Before proceeding next (Upload button), please enter security code.
File uploading and processing starts on the next step. Please wait, it may take some time.
Result RINEX file is ZIPped on server side and automatically downloaded once ready. If it is unzipped,
we may see RINEX observation file of version 4.
If needed, one may check original UBLOX UBX file and/or result RINEX file via WAY
online service.