Block name |
Block ID |
Block Description |
Measurement Blocks |
MeasEpoch | 4027 | Measurement set of one epoch |
MeasExtra | 4000 | Additional info such as observable variance |
Meas3Ranges | 4109 | Code, phaseand CN0 measurements |
Meas3CN0HiRes | 4110 | Extension of Meas3Ranges containing fractional C / N0 values |
Meas3Doppler | 4111 | Extension of Meas3Ranges containing Doppler values |
Meas3PP | 4112 | Extension of Meas3Ranges containing proprietary flags for data post - processing. |
Meas3MP | 4113 | Extension of Meas3Ranges containing multipath corrections applied by the receiver |
EndOfMeas | 5922 | Measurement epoch marker |
Navigation Page Blocks |
GPSRawCA | 4017 | GPS CA navigation subframe |
GPSRawL2C | 4018 | GPS L2C navigation frame |
GPSRawL5 | 4019 | GPS L5 navigation frame |
GLORawCA | 4026 | GLONASS CA navigation string |
GALRawFNAV | 4022 | Galileo F / NAV navigation page |
GALRawINAV | 4023 | Galileo I / NAV navigation page |
GALRawCNAV | 4024 | Galileo C / NAV navigation page |
GEORawL1 | 4020 | SBAS L1 navigation message |
GEORawL5 | 4021 | SBAS L5 navigation message |
BDSRaw | 4047 | BeiDou navigation page |
BDSRawB1C | 4218 | BeiDou B1C navigation frame |
BDSRawB2a | 4219 | BeiDou B2a navigation frame |
QZSRawL1CA | 4066 | QZSS L1 CA navigation frame |
QZSRawL2C | 4067 | QZSS L2C navigation frame |
QZSRawL5 | 4068 | QZSS L5 navigation frame |
NAVICRaw | 4093 | NavIC / IRNSS subframe |
GPS Decoded Message Blocks |
GPSNav | 5891 | GPS ephemeris and clock |
GPSAlm | 5892 | Almanac data for a GPS satellite |
GPSIon | 5893 | Ionosphere data from the GPS subframe |
GPSUtc | 5894 | GPS - UTC data from GPS subframe |
GLONASS Decoded Message Blocks | SECTION | |
GLONav | 4004 | GLONASS ephemeris and clock |
GLOAlm | 4005 | Almanac data for a GLONASS satellite |
GLOTime | 4036 | GLO - UTC, GLO - GPS and GLO - UT1 data |
Galileo Decoded Message Blocks |
GALNav | 4002 | Galileo ephemeris, clock, healthand BGD |
GALAlm | 4003 | Almanac data for a Galileo satellite |
GALIon | 4030 | NeQuick Ionosphere model parameters |
GALUtc | 4031 | GST - UTC data |
GALGstGps | 4032 | GST - GPS data |
GALSARRLM | 4034 | Search - and -rescue return link message |
BeiDou Decoded Message Blocks |
BDSNav | 4081 | BeiDou ephemeris and clock |
BDSAlm | 4119 | Almanac data for a BeiDou satellite |
BDSIon | 4120 | BeiDou Ionospheric delay model parameters |
BDSUtc | 4121 | BDT - UTC data |
QZSS Decoded Message Blocks |
QZSNav | 4095 | QZSS ephemeris and clock |
QZSAlm | 4116 | Almanac data for a QZSS satellite |
SBAS L1 Decoded Message Blocks |
GEOMT00 | 5925 | MT00 : SBAS Don’t use for safety applications |
GEOPRNMask | 5926 | MT01 : PRN Mask assignments |
GEOFastCorr | 5927 | MT02 - 05 / 24 : Fast Corrections |
GEOIntegrity | 5928 | MT06 : Integrity information |
GEOFastCorrDegr | 5929 | MT07 : Fast correction degradation factors |
GEONav | 5896 | MT09 : SBAS navigation message |
GEODegrFactors | 5930 | MT10 : Degradation factors |
GEONetworkTime | 5918 | MT12 : SBAS Network Time / UTC offset parameters |
GEOAlm | 5897 | MT17 : SBAS satellite almanac |
GEOIGPMask | 5931 | MT18 : Ionospheric grid point mask |
GEOLongTermCorr | 5932 | MT24 / 25 : Long term satellite error corrections |
GEOIonoDelay | 5933 | MT26 : Ionospheric delay corrections |
GEOServiceLevel | 5917 | MT27 : SBAS Service Message |
GEOClockEphCovMatrix | 5934 | MT28 : Clock - Ephemeris Covariance Matrix |
GNSS Position, Velocity and Time Blocks |
PVTCartesian | 4006 | GNSS position, velocity, and time in Cartesian coordinates |
PVTGeodetic | 4007 | GNSS position, velocity, and time in geodetic coordinates |
PosCovCartesian | 5905 | Position covariance matrix(X, Y, Z) |
PosCovGeodetic | 5906 | Position covariance matrix(Lat, Lon, Alt) |
VelCovCartesian | 5907 | Velocity covariance matrix(X, Y, Z) |
VelCovGeodetic | 5908 | Velocity covariance matrix(North, East, Up) |
DOP | 4001 | Dilution of precision |
PosCart | 4044 | Position, varianceand baseline in Cartesian coordinates |
PosLocal | 4052 | Position in a local datum |
PosProjected | 4094 | Plane grid coordinates |
BaseVectorCart | 4043 | XYZ relative position and velocity with respect to base(s) |
BaseVectorGeod | 4028 | ENU relative position and velocity with respect to base(s) |
PVTSupport | 4076 | Internal parameters for maintenanceand support |
PVTSupportA | 4079 | Internal parameters for maintenanceand support |
EndOfPVT | 5921 | PVT epoch marker |
GNSS Attitude Blocks |
AttEuler | 5938 | GNSS attitude expressed as Euler angles |
AttCovEuler | 5939 | Covariance matrix of attitude |
EndOfAtt | 5943 | GNSS attitude epoch marker |
Receiver Time Blocks |
ReceiverTime | 5914 | Current receiver and UTC time |
xPPSOffset | 5911 | Offset of the xPPS pulse with respect to GNSS time |
External Event Blocks |
ExtEvent | 5924 | Time at the instant of an external event |
ExtEventPVTCartesian | 4037 | Cartesian position at the instant of an event |
ExtEventPVTGeodetic | 4038 | Geodetic position at the instant of an event |
ExtEventBaseVectGeod | 4217 | ENU relative position with respect to base(s) at the instant of an event |
ExtEventAttEuler | 4237 | GNSS attitude expressed as Euler angles at the instant of an event |
Differential Correction Blocks |
DiffCorrIn | 5919 | Incoming RTCM or CMR message |
BaseStation | 5949 | Base station coordinates |
RTCMDatum | 4049 | Datum information from the RTK service provider |
L - Band Demodulator Blocks |
LBandTrackerStatus | 4201 | Status of the L - band signal tracking |
LBandBeams | 4204 | L - band satellite / beam information |
Status Blocks |
ChannelStatus | 4013 | Status of the tracking for all receiver channels |
ReceiverStatus | 4014 | Overall status information of the receiver |
SatVisibility | 4012 | Azimuth / elevation of visible satellites |
InputLink | 4090 | Statistics on input streams |
OutputLink | 4091 | Statistics on output streams |
NTRIPClientStatus | 4053 | NTRIP client connection status |
NTRIPServerStatus | 4122 | NTRIP server connection status |
IPStatus | 4058 | IP address, gatewayand MAC address of Ethernet interface |
DynDNSStatus | 4105 | DynDNS status |
QualityInd | 4082 | Quality indicators |
DiskStatus | 4059 | Internal logging status |
RFStatus | 4092 | Radio - frequency interference mitigation status |
P2PPStatus | 4238 | P2PP client / server status |
CosmosStatus | 4243 | Cosmos receiver service status |
Miscellaneous Blocks |
ReceiverSetup | 5902 | General information about the receiver installation |
RxMessage | 4103 | Receiver message |
Commands | 4015 | Commands entered by the user |
Comment | 5936 | Comment entered by the user |
BBSamples | 4040 | Baseband samples |
ASCIIIn | 4075 | ASCII input from external sensor |
EncapsulatedOutput | 4097 | SBF encapsulation of non - SBF messages |
PinPoint - GIS RX |
GISAction | 4106 | PinPoint - GIS RX Action |
GISStatus | 4107 | Status of the different PinPoint - GIS collection databases |