Services / TOPAZ / Data Upload

TOPAZ GNSS Post-Processing



Requirements & Guidelines:

  • Only RINEX (RINEX2, RINEX3, RINEX4, Compact RINEX) observables are supported
  • Consider using RTools service to convert UBLOX UBX and RTCM3 logs to RINEX
  • Rover data file could be both static and/or kinematic
  • Base data file must be static only
  • It is recommended to provide at least 5 minutes of observations
  • Data file must contain at least dual frequency pseudorange and carrier phase observations
  • Base and Rover files must be logged in the same time frame (there should be intersection in time domain)
  • TOPAZ can download ephemeris automatically from server storage
  • Ephemeris usually updated on the server with delay in few hours. Please wait at least few hours before processing files which have been just collected

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