COBALT is KernelSAT RTK multi-system (GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, BeiDou, QZSS and IRNSS are supported) postprocessing engine.
It computes RTK positions using uploaded rover and base measurements / corrections. In result one may get precise RTK FIXED positions.
COBALT stands for CO-operative BAseLine Technique. Since it is PostProcessing, the engine is able to re-process data many times w/ different settings and assumptions
including forward and backward data processing as well as different ambiguity resolutions techniques.
Combination of multiple runs results in more accurate solutions w/ extended RTK FIX availability.
COBALT service was tested on latest available Google Chrome web-browser only. Thus we recommend to use this browser. Interactive polts w/ positions may require extra RAM memory.
Supported GNSS Formats
COBALT service may use rover and base data of the following GNSS formats and protocols: